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Dr. Drew Curtis, Texas Leader in Psychology, Honored with Hallmark Alumni Award

APRIL 30, 2022 — DENTON — Dr. Drew Curtis, Class of ‘13, was presented with the Hallmark Alumni Award last weekend at the annual Pioneer Alumni Association Awards ceremony in Denton, TX.

Dr. Curtis, a tenured associate professor at Angelo State University, is one of the state’s foremost leaders in the study and research of psychology.

Serving as President for both the Southwestern Psychological Association and the Psychological Association of Greater West Texas, Dr. Curtis has distinguished himself as one of the foremost leaders in the Southwest in the field of psychology, specifically targeting the underserved and minority communities in rural West Texas. He has developed a doctoral program in Counseling Psychology at Angelo State University with the support of TWU faculty member, Dr. Sally Stabb to help mentor and meet those demands. “TWU was a home and a place that I treasure,” he says, “holding many of my life’s greatest moments and memories and being instrumental in my career.

“Dr Stabb,” he continues, “ has been one of the faculty members who has continuously supported me and maintained contact through the years.” The program he proposed has just recently been approved, and he is in the process of recruiting the first cohort for the program, of which he will serve as director.

In addition to his work as an educator, Dr. Curtis has been prolific in his research and scholarship. He established the Curtis Clinical Science and Deception Lab at Angelo State University, has published dozens of journal articles, and, among other achievements, has published a textbook, now in its 3rd edition, that has been adopted by at least ten universities.

Dr. Curtis came to TWU as a doctoral student in the Counseling Psychology program. “My education shaped my development as a psychologist, a professor, a researcher, a leader, and a person,” he says. Among the many honors he received as a student, the TWU Excellence in Teaching Award for his time spent as an instructor on campus confirmed his love of teaching. His status as a Pioneer was solidified when he met his future wife on campus, and when the two were married in the Little Chapel-in-the-Woods. “Knowledge acquired from TWU forever is my home,” he says. “The knowledge, training, skills, competencies, and relationships have positively changed me and my life. I am grateful for these lived experiences and the people at the center of what makes TWU great.”

Since 1969 the Pioneer Alumni Association, formerly known as the TWU Alumni Association, has bestowed awards in recognition of alumni’s tremendous contribution to their communities and field of study. The Hallmark Alumni Award is presented to rising stars, graduates who are early to mid-career who have made a significant positive impact on their profession or community.

Photo courtesy of Angelo State University

Marketing Contact:
Luis G. Rendon
Marketing Chair
Pioneer Alumni Association